I dream a dream in which I am watching a commercial on TV. The commercial is a promotion for a new show and it contains the bright orange face of a man breathing fire. There is a text that accompanies the image: "No Foul: The Darkson Firestorm"
1 The meaning is clear A fire-breathing man, An arsonist who inflames instead of calms, Who ignites the smoldering tinder poised to engulf the rancorous heart Who would rather burn down the house Than see it governed by another Because winning Winning isn't everything It's the only thing Who would rather burn down the house Than open wide the gate We know who this is We know what they want The fire-breathing man who foments division Arouses fury rage and bile Who unleashes the savage in those who follow him Instead of taming it. Is about to incite the Dread Season To bring forth the storm To beget the darkness Is about to bring forth Hurt and sorrow into the land: Proud Boys QAnon Wolverine Watchmen All stand poised to bring the fire While The Red State Senate nods and bows While The Red State Senate stoops and kneels Complicit in the darkness
2 No foul means No rule No value No oath They will not break Ignore Betray For the sake of something surly and small No inner sense, code or qualm that calls them back That calls them to a better way No figure, divine or human other than he they will obey No higher truth No greater good No principle to which they are ultimately loyal No last remaining shred of whatever it is that stops a man Not Jesus Not God Not the fear of hell Not the still, small voice Not the voice of a prophet crying in the wilderness Not a child in a cage screaming for her mother Not a man on the ground with a knee to his neck Not a million people dying who should have lived None of these give them pause None of these engender doubt They think they are saving the soul of America But America needs to be saved from them They are the cult of the fire And they will not be quenched by tears or blood I dream a dream in which I am watching a commercial on TV. The commercial is a promotion for a new show and it contains the bright orange face of a man breathing fire. There is a text that accompanies the image and it reads "No Foul: The Darkson Firestorm" End